Overview SNVs SCNAs

BroadBand is a web-based resource developed with the Shiny R framework, designed for the exploration of genomic data selected among a comprehensive selection of breast cancer (BRCA) studies with available information on somatic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs). BroadBand allows an intuitive and custom navigation of SNVs and SCNAs data which can be filtered and summarized at different resolution levels, from gene to chromosome, and stratified across the different breast cancer histotypes and tumor classifications.

The developed resource takes as input selected pre-processed somatic single nucleotides alterations and copy number aberrations data from publicly available datasets (Table 1) to assess the most frequently aberrant genomic regions, from gene- to chromosome-level, across BRCA tumor subtypes. The web-resource, organized in 3 different sections, allows the user to explore, visualize and download information of interest. Each section reports results of a specific analysis that can be customized by tuning multiple settings. The first section provides a data overview of considered datasets, reporting a) annotations about genomic data availability and tumor classification, b) overall summary statistics such as the number of samples stratified by tumor molecular subtypes. The second section focuses on gene aberration frequencies based on somatic single nucleotide variants while the third section analyses somatic copy number alterations and compute aberration frequencies at different resolutions: from gene to chromosome level.

Breast cancers (BRCA) datasets of interest have been selected and inspected through the cBioPortal for Cancer Genomics resource. The selected studies consist of cohorts where tumor samples from BRCA oncological patients have been molecularly profiled via Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) approach.

Names Number of patients Paper references PMID
brca_metabric 1980 Breast Cancer (METABRIC, Nature 2012 & Nat Commun 2016) 27161491, 30867590, 22522925
brca_igr_2015 208 Metastatic breast cancer (INSERM-PLoS Med 2016) 28027327
brca_mbcproject_wagle_2 017 106 The Metastatic Breast Cancer Project (Provisional - February 2020) link
breast_msk_2018 1739 MSK-IMPACT Clinical sequencing Cohort (MSKK, Nat Med 2017) 28481359
brca-tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018 945 Breast Invasive Carcinoma (TCGA, PanCancer Atlas) 29625048, 29596782, 29622463, 29617662, 29625055, 29625050, 29617662, 30643250, 32214244, 29625049, 29850653